Sunday, January 01, 2012

Santorum tries to be the man ...

I watched Rick Santorum on Meet the Press this morning. It was pretty interesting watching Santorum bob and weave through the usual sort of questions any hardcore, purist conservative candidate might get. Santorum tried to justify supporting measures that merely make it more difficult to get an abortion versus wanting a total ban on abortion ("any measure that moves the country in the right direction" I recall Santorum saying). He also justified trying to get earmarks for Pennsylvania in particular while opposing earmarks in general (I remember conservatives complaining relentlessly about Obama having got earmarks for Illinois; I can only assume they will complain just as hard about Santorum).

But the most interesting things Santorum said this morning were about what his Iran policy would be (as captured partially by Slate). Although David Gregory pointed out that the Obama administration is quite aggressive in pursing an anti-nuclear policy in Iran, both overt and apparently covert, Santorum proceeded to whine that while we know the Israeli's are acting against Iran, we don't hear anything about US actions. Ignoring the recent drone crash, what part of "covert" does Santorum not understand. Actually, probably all parts of covert, as Santorum said on MTP that he would make sure the Iranians knew the US was acting covertly in Iran (how? by allowing our operatives to be captured?).

I suppose some conservatives might be impressed by Santorum's posturing. I don't expect Santorum to actually spell out what he would want the CIA or whomever to do in Iran. But does he really think that acting like a bully will impress on us how tough he is?


Social Justice NPC Anti-Paladin™ said...

But does he really think that acting like a bully will impress on us how tough he is?
Works for progressives and Krugman/Alan Grayson.

EdHeath said...

Yes, HTTT, because unnamed progressives, Alan Grayson and Paul Krugman have called for the US to preemptively bomb Iran and start yet another Mid-East war.

Yeah, Grayson should have been more careful with his re-election ads. But then there is every time Republicans/conservatives/the Tea Party has called Obama a socialist, a Muslim or foreign born, Republican/conservative/Tea Party claims that the stimulus failed, or that the Affordable Care Act will not save the economy money or that Obama has exploded spending or even that stimulus spending on infrastructure is a bad idea.