Sunday, November 04, 2012

Kelly on desperation

You know, no one doesn't say this election is not real close (today's Jack Kelly). But what Jack Kelly says seems at odds with everything I read, including glancing at Real Clear Politics right now (which shows the race as no worse than a dead heat).

Meanwhile, if the 538 Blog on the New York Times is to be believed, their summary of the aggregate of national polls shows Mitt Romney never took the lead, even after the first debate. The fact that Kelly clings to what Gallup says or has said is what seems desperate.

Of course, if one party or the other thinks it is likely their candidate is going to lose, some number of the faithful have a reason not to vote. So Kelly has reason to spread his version of reality. Except that Jack Kelly is supposed to be writing the truth, or at least presenting maybe more than one point of view (or acknowledging another point of exists and is legitimate for some people).

So as a public service, a different point of view: 538 blog


Nine-El said...
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